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Interviewing a Mover

Selecting a moving company

It is important to interview moving companies before committing. I'd wish I'd know that before I made a decision. Having a checklist can help prevent any issues during the moving process. This list of questions can provide you with things to discuss when interviewing a moving company:


  • What is the charge for packing?
  • Does it include boxes?
  • If not, what do they cost and will you deliver them?
  • Is there an additional charge to deliver some items to a storage unit?


  • How is a damage claim handled?
  • What insurance do you provide and is there a cost?
  • Does the insurance cover items packed by the owner?
  • Can additional insurance be purchased?
  • If items are covered by my Homeowners insurance, whose insurance pays first?

Unusual Items

  • Can you ship my car(s)?
  • Will they be in the moving van or towed?
  • What are the charges for shipping cars, lawn tractors, etc?
  • What items cannot be shipped?
  • If a shuttle truck is needed because of the location of my house or size of the driveway, is there an additional charge?
  • If packing and loading are on different days, can you leave the beds and other basics out for us to use?


  • What dates are available for our move?
  • What date will you pack and how long will this take?
  • What date will you load the van?
  • What date will the van arrive at my new location?
  • If my new home is not ready for delivery, how many days can it be delayed before there is a charge?
  • What is the charge for additional days or weeks?


  • Are there any additional fees that I'm responsible for that have not been discussed?
  • What are the terms of payment?
  • Is a down payment required?
  • When will the balance be due and who is authorized to accept it?

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