The beautiful New England state of Vermont is one of the most picturesque states in the US. Its name translates to the ‘Green Mountain State’, although throughout the year there’s a real rainbow of colors as summer turns to fall and winter gives way to spring. One of the most interesting things about this quaint little state is its moderately low population, which right now is less than 625,000 people. To put that in perspective, the city of Philadelphia alone has over 1.5 million residents. Although this makes Vermont a quaint and quiet state, it is not without a distinct vibe all of its own, with small-town hospitality prevalent at every turn. If you’re looking for an escape from the rat race, Vermont could be the perfect choice for those seeking a tranquil way of life away from the hustle and bustle of city living. Vermont is packed full of small but vibrant cities as well as quaint little towns and villages. It’s also statistically the safest state in the country, so wherever you choose, you’re certain to be a winner.