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Buying with The O'Brien O'Connell Team

Finding your Vermont Realtor by "Accident"

When someone decides it is time to sell their home, they usually interview several Realtors from different companies to determine which one is best for them. They want someone who will represent them and someone they feel will do an effective job at marketing their home.

However, when someone decides to buy a home, they usually end up with their Realtor through sheer accident. Why don't home buyers search for a Realtor the same way that home sellers do?

Does it really make a difference? YES! Don't end up with a Realtor that is going to place a vague ad for your home and wait for a bite. Go with someone who's going to work for you.

A Good Real Estate Agent Takes Care

You want an agent who will represent you - take care of you - a real estate agent that will give you care, loyalty and the "right" information and advice - just like your attorney!

It is very important to find the right agent that understands your needs and will protect you when buying your next home!

Listing Agents and Selling Agents-What's the difference?

You see, there are two "sides" to every sale. The listing side (the seller and the agent handling the property) and the selling side(the buyer and the agent representing the buyer). Most deals have an agent representing each side, so there are generally two agents involved. The seller's side is represented by the listing agent. The buyer's side is represented by the selling agent (also known as the buyer's agent).

Agents can deal with both buyers and sellers, but the majority tend to focus their efforts on one or the other. Some even exclusively handle either buyers or sellers.

So what should you do?

We simply recommend that you take as much care to hire a real estate agent you would for any other professional. Ask questions. Ask about education, experience, and focus.

After all, buying your next house is probably the biggest purchase you've ever made in your life. Does it make more sense to find your agent by accident... or by design?

Buying a New Home Is a Serious Investment

Buying your new home is a serious venture. It can be an absolute pleasure or a massive headache. Your house is not just your home, it is a serious investment in the dwelling, the area, and your future.

When buying a home - you're bound to have many questions. For example, "In what area can I find a home that suits my needs?", "How much money will I need to afford the monthly payments?" and "How long will the home buying process take?"

You'll find that The O'Brien O'Connell Team's experience and her deep-rooted understanding of real estate processes make getting answers easy.  Please feel free to contact The O'Brien O'Connell Team at any time with questions.

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